Please e-mail or call your local representative or senator to oppose these bills:
1) HB 1337 goes to the full House Mon, Feb 22.
Don Lehe h25@iga.in.gov
Chris Campbell h26@iga.in.gov
Sheila Klinker h27@iga.in.gov
Tim Brown h41@iga.in.gov
Speaker Todd Huston h37@iga.in.gov
This would change the approval process for special exceptions and variances. The Board of Zoning Appeals would hear the petition but only make a RECOMMENDATION to the legislative body (City Council or Co. Commissioners), who would make the final decision within 60 days or it would automatically be approved. This undermines the Area Plan Commission and the BZA.
2) HB 1496 goes to the Senate.
Rep. Jeff Ellington, as he has done before, added language from his unheard bill, as a NEW section in an amendment:
“A permit issued under sec. 22(g)(1) of this chapt on or before July 1, 2014, for quarrying or aggregate company that is active for excavation of …(lists types of stone) …is valid for the duration of permitted project. . . “
The word ‘active’ could be eliminated and the meaning expanded to apply to Americus. We believe the retroactive date should be changed from 2014 to 2020. This would totally eliminate the Rogers Group permit issued Jan. 30, 2014.
3) SB 389 is on its way to the House.
Don Lehe h25@iga.in.gov
Chris Campbell h26@iga.in.gov
Klinker h27@iga.in.gov
Tim Brown h41@iga.in.gov
Speaker Todd Huston h37@iga.in.gov
This puts all wetlands in the same category and allows construction without a permit. Floodplains are wetlands. Isolated Wetlands allow for rain to filter as it replenishes groundwater and aquifers. Sen. Alting voted against it.
Click here for more details on Wetlands and Flood Plain Benefits….
4) Encourage your legislators to advocate for remote or virtual testimonies because of the COVID-19 restrictions and concerns.
800-382-9841 House Republicans 800-382-9842 House Democrats
800-382-9467 Senators Republicans and Democrats