League of Women Voters of Greater Lafayette
Wabash River Corridor Initiatives
The Wabash River is a vital treasure in our community.
Get an update on happenings Tuesday evening, November 10th, 7p.m., at the Tippecanoe County Public Library, 627 South Street, downtown Lafayette.
Tony Roswarski, Lafayette Mayor and President of the Wabash River Enhancement Corporation, will have the latest on the Old National Bank development and river promenade.
WREC Executive Director Stan Lambert will provide updates on other initiatives under way in Lafayette, West Lafayette, and Tippecanoe County, as well as the larger effort to monitor and promote best environmental practices in the watershed.
Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Greater Lafayette, the program is free and open to the public. It provides a good opportunity to support for environmental stewardship of the Wabash.
Wabash River Strategic Plan
Monday, Nov. 16, between 4:30 and 6:30 at the County Library is the follow-up meeting for community input on the Wabash River Strategic Plan that was revealed October 20.
More input from the community is desired.
Suggestions of trails, restaurants, docks, etc are being incorporated. Our area of the Wabash is an extension of this plan.
Hoosier Heartland Corridor Strategic Plan
The Hoosier Heartland Corridor Strategic Plan has progressed.
The Draft Plan is complete and a survey is available for your input…
A summary document of the plan is available online or hard copies are available at:
- the Buck Creek Post Office
- County Library
- Commissioner’s Office
- Area Plan Commission
- Mayor Roswarski’s office
- and the Lafayette Clerk’s office
It is 30 questions & should take 10-15 minutes. It is available online from now until November 16.
Thank you for your participation! Spread the word about the survey; your opinion matters! Please visit www.heartlandstrategicplan.com to access the Summary document, Draft Plan (full document), and the survey. (paraphrased from Erin Cotant ,Associate Planner, American Structurepoint, Inc)
photo credit: tengrrl via flickr.com